Money, Mind & Transformation

Money, Mind & Transformation: a money coaching circle, in Kelowna B.C. Tuesdays - 7:00 to 9:00 pm; Mar 22 to Apr 19, 2016 Money, Mind and Transformation is a powerful and enriching 5-week workshop that past participants report has changed their relationship with money. Through awareness practice, reflection and exercises, you will explore the obstacles that have prevented you from experiencing a more fulfilling, resourceful and prosperous life. You will work through the four-step money coaching foundation process of:
• identifying underlying “hard-wired” patterns • determining “core issues” that stem from this patterning • beginning to gain new awareness and understanding about these patterns • accessing insight into unconscious money attitudes, beliefs & behaviors Money Coaching is exciting work that provides you with the opportunity to experience tremendous growth both personally and professionally. During the workshop you will examine and come to understand your own relationship with money and bring to awareness blockages that may have been keeping you from experiencing your potential. Participants will be required to complete preparatory work before attending the first session. Through this workshop process you are fully immersed and engaged in your own money growth and as such need to attend all sessions. There are limited spaces available for this workshop and a commitment to this process is required. Location: Shawanda Wellness Centre, 101 – 1924 Ambrosi Rd, Kelowna, B.C. Introductory Price: $99 Includes: binder and handouts Registration required: email: